
Laura Sterponi

Director and Faculty Advisor

Dr. Laura Sterponi is a professor in the School of Education and is the Director of the Disability Studies minor. Prospective and current Disability Studies minor students may consult with regarding the minor curriculum and applicable transfer coursework. 

Photo on 9-28-21 at 10.16 AM #2

Emily A. Nusbaum

Disability Studies minor core course instructor

Professor Emily A. Nusbaum is the instructor for one of the Disability Studies minor core requirements, UGIS 110: Introduction to Disability Studies. She can assist prospective and current Disability Studies minor students with questions regarding the minor curriculum and applicable transfer coursework. 

Photo of Emily A. Nusbaum

Michelle Herrera

Student Academic Advisor

The Student Academic Advisor’s job is to guide students and faculty as they navigate University, College, and Major Program policies.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with Michelle to discuss the Disability Studies minor requirements, your eligibility to declare the minor, or your minor progress, please visit her advising page to choose an in-person or virtual appointment. 

Michelle Herrera profile picture

Disability Studies Minor Advisory Board

Mel Chen– Gender and Women’s Studies
Anne Finger- Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies
Emily A. Nusbaum- Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies
Laura Sterponi– Education
Paul Sterzing– Social Welfare
Sunaura C. Taylor– Environmental Science, Policy, and Management